# 2022双节快乐 # A moment of gluttony|From snacks to big sun rice noodles! full of country flavor ✨When I was a child, my grandmother's house was next to the Sun Guoba Factory. This rice cooker can be said to be full of childhood memories. From snacks to adults, its taste is also particularly delicious among the rice cooker brands. I feel that their speciality is the seasoning of rice noodles, and the spicy taste is very authentic. On the taste, the rice cake is also crunchy, very fragrant, and the slices are crispy I haven't eaten it since I went abroad, and I decided to add it when I saw Yami. After receiving it, get it in your hand, full of intimacy, familiar red packaging The taste still retains the crumb flavor from childhood memories. Although it has a spicy taste, the spiciness of the rice is not very heavy. There is only a slight aroma of pepper, and it is crispy when you bite into it. Let's just say, rice noodles are definitely a must-have snack for chasing dramas One bite at a time, you can't stop eating at all, and the salty mouth is happy
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# 2022双节快乐 # 馋嘴一刻|从小吃到大的太阳锅巴!满满乡味 ✨小时候奶奶家旁就是太阳锅巴厂,从小吃到大✨ 这款锅巴可以说是满满的童年回忆了 从小吃到大,它的味道也是锅巴品牌中特别好吃的 感觉他们家的特色是锅巴的调味,香辣口感很地道 口感上锅巴也是脆脆的,很香,片片酥脆 出国后就没有再吃过了,看到亚米有上果断加购 收到后拿到手上,满满的亲切感,熟悉的红包装 味道也还保留着童年记忆中的那股锅巴香味 虽说是麻辣口味,但是锅巴的辣度并不是很重 只有淡淡的辣椒香气,一口咬下去嘎嘣脆 咱就是说,锅巴绝对是追剧的必备零食 一口一个,吃着根本停不下来,咸口快乐