# 2022双节快乐 # The first is to buy his family's peerless double pride and enter the pit of his family's egg yolk cake Eat and eat, egg yolk cake is still my love This will deliberately buy a separate egg yolk crisp Egg yolk crisp is better than taro crisp and Yudanbo A little more salty It's one of the few I've eaten so far. The most egg yolk (but still not a whole) The skin is still super soft Visually, it is more multi-layered among several models. The bean paste layer is my favorite You can feel the graininess of the bean paste, not too sweet Reminds me of the bean paste that my grandma made by hand when I was a child Thick and dense, slightly grainy sweet just right The egg yolk is the bigger one in Chen Yunbaoquan's series If you don't heat it, it's not oily at all, but it's delicious It is the kind of salted egg yolk that is particularly fragrant but not salty. If he bought this salted egg yolk alone, I could eat a dozen in one go😂
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# 2022双节快乐 # 最早是买了他家的绝代双骄入坑了他家的蛋黄酥 吃来吃去 蛋黄酥依旧是我的爱 这会特意买了单独的蛋黄酥 蛋黄酥比起芋头酥和御丹波来说 多了一丢丢咸味 算是目前吃过几款当中 蛋黄含量最多的(但依旧不是一整颗) 依旧的表皮超级酥软 目测是几款中比较多层的 豆沙层是我喜欢的 能感受到豆沙的颗粒感 不会甜腻的过分 让我想到小时候 姥姥手工熬的豆沙 又稠又绵密 略带一点点颗粒感 甜的恰到好处 蛋黄的部分算是陈允宝泉系列中比较大颗的 不加热的话 完全不出油 但很香 是那种特别香但又不咸的咸蛋黄 如果他家单买这咸蛋黄的话 我能一口气吃一打😂