# 2022双节快乐 # The latest unboxing happiness was given by Yami Some are just received and feel good, immediately repurchase There are new products to try Sihong Toasted Walnuts Salt & Pepper Flavor 418g I really like this salt and pepper walnut Both satisfy my love for walnuts It won't be boring at all, it won't be monotonous Just the right salt and pepper taste, salty and savory Sheng Xiangzhen Spicy Green Beans 240g Spicy Green Beans Individually Packed A little bit of spiciness, more of the bean flavor of green beans Pack a mouthful and chew slowly, crunchy, fragrant and crunchy Depressed snacks Hometown Flavor Organic Chestnuts 100g This is repurchased For fear of running out of food, I quickly stocked up on a few packs A good choice to relieve hunger 【Health tea series】Corn mustard mulberry leaf tea The new corn silk tea I bought the red bean and barley tea from his family and it feels good It happened that the corn silk tea at home was about to be drunk. It's really healthy to read the introduction. I'm still looking forward to the first two packs to experience it once.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 最近的开箱快乐都是亚米给的 有的是刚收到觉得好的 立马回购 有的是新品有待尝试 思宏 烤核桃 椒盐味 418g 我真的是太喜欢这款椒盐核桃了 既满足了我对核桃的喜欢 又完全不会腻 不会单调 恰到好处的椒盐口味 咸香咸香的 盛香珍 香辣青豆 240g 香辣青豆 独立小包装 一丢丢辣味 更多是青豆的豆香 塞上一口慢慢嚼 嘎嘣脆 又香又脆 解闷小零食 家乡味 有机甘栗仁 100g 这是回购的了 生怕吃完没货了 赶紧有囤上几包 解饿解馋好选择 【养生茶系列】玉米须桑叶茶 这次新入手的玉米须茶 买过他家的红豆薏米茶感觉不错 刚好家里玉米须茶要喝光了 看介绍真的是很养生啊 入上两包感受一次 还是很期待的