# 2022双节快乐 # # 贵州花溪牛肉粉 # The first time I bought Akuan Baijia Chenji's 贵州花溪牛肉粉, the newly upgraded wet powder, was completely attracted by the pictures, simply read the instructions on the Internet, there are two production methods: boiling and soaking: 1. Boil 600ML water, put it in Stir the rice noodles and seasonings evenly, and then boil for one minute, then turn off the heat; 2. Put the rice noodles and seasonings into a bowl, add 600ML boiling water, cover and wait for 5-6 minutes, and stir well. Cooking is simple and convenient, I bought two packs to try, each pack has a net weight of 270G. After opening, there are a bag of wet rice noodles (NOODLE), sauce bag (SAUCE BAG), sesame oil bag (OIL BAG), chili bag (CHILLI BAG), FLAVOR BAG, VEGETABLE BAG, there are five kinds of food bags that subvert the sense of taste and stir the tip of the tongue. This time I made it by boiling method. It took less than ten minutes from the preparation to eat it. The taste is rich and spicy, soft and smooth, spicy and happy. I will add more ingredients next time.
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# 2022双节快乐 # # 贵州花溪牛肉粉 # 第一次买阿宽白家陈记的贵州花溪牛肉粉,新升级湿粉,完全是被图片吸引了,简单看网上的说明,有煮、泡两种制作方法:1、把600ML水煮开,放入米粉和调料搅拌均匀,再沸腾一分钟后,关火即可;2、把米粉和调料放入碗中,加600ML开水,盖好等5-6分钟,搅拌均匀即可。烹饪简单方便,买了两包尝试,每包净重270G,打开后里面有湿米粉包(NOODLE)一袋,酱料包(SAUCE BAG)、香油包(OIL BAG)、辣椒包(CHILLI BAG)、佐菜包(FLAVOR BAG),蔬菜包(VEGETABLE BAG),共五大颠覆味觉、撩动舌尖的料包。这次用煮的方法制作,从准备开始,不到十分钟就吃上了,味道浓郁煳辣、软弹爽滑,辣并快乐着,下回再加多些料。