# 2022双节快乐 #Counting backwards, the melon seeds with vine pepper flavor are indeed unusual. With the encouragement of my friends, just half of the small pile in this bowl made my tongue numb and my lips numb. The quality of the seeds is good. The grains are full, this is the taste, the malari is sweet, it is enjoyable, but for the niche group, I still prefer five spice. I don't know why the price of Ba Dao Zha Jiang Noodles has risen. The noodles are average, and the sauce is a big package, but the whole thing is sweet, and it all depends on my radish to deliver the rice. There are a lot of meat in the sauce bag, but in the United States, this meat is not very competitive. The fried noodles will not be repurchased.
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# 2022双节快乐 #倒着数吧,藤椒味的瓜子的确不一般,在朋友的鼓励下,就这碗里的一小堆我吃到一半就舌尖发麻,嘴唇也是麻麻的,瓜子质量不错,颗颗饱满,就是这个味道哟,麻里透着甜,算是过瘾,但是针对小众群体,我还是倾向于五香。八道炸酱面也不知道为啥身价就抬起来了,面饼一般般,酱料好大一包,但是整体偏甜,全靠我的萝卜送饭。酱包里肉粒也算多,不过在美国,这点肉粒也没什么竞争力吧。炸酱面不会回购了。