# 2022双节快乐 # I haven't eaten hard candy for a long time. Let's add some sweetness to the new year~ I didn't expect too much from the taste at first, but after eating it, it was great! Is the packaging really nice or a paper bag? There are also nice retro comics on the back The retro taste from head to toe has been pinched There are a total of 15 candies in two flavors The red rose is "full of joy to meet the beauty" or "the beauty is difficult to meet" The flavor is "Dian Jiang Lip" (alpine black tea flavor) White rose is "accidentally making an oolong" or "an oolong" The taste is "Tangxiang Songfeng" (fresh oolong flavor) The two tastes are not very different, but they are both delicious It's the kind of strong tea taste, slightly astringent and very low sweetness I've never had candy like this A whole capital of magic and novelty love it I think the original price is a bit too expensive You can buy a bag and try it while it's on sale!
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# 2022双节快乐 # 好久没吃硬糖了 新年里添点甜吧~ 一开始没对味道抱太大的期待 但吃完觉得很棒棒! 包装是真的好看 还是纸质的袋子 背面也有很好看的复古漫画 从头到脚的复古味都拿捏住了 里面一共有15颗糖 两种口味 红玫瑰是“满心欢喜遇红颜“或“红颜难遇” 口味是“点绛唇”(高山红茶味) 白玫瑰是“一不小心闹乌龙”或“乌龙一场” 口味是“汤响松风”(清新乌龙味) 两个口味差别不是特别大 但都很好吃 是那种浓茶的味道 微微有点涩 甜度都很低 从来没有吃到过这种口味的糖果 一整个大写的神奇和新奇 很喜欢 原价我觉得有一丢丢偏贵了 大家可以趁有折扣的时候买一袋尝尝!