# 2022双节快乐 # I bought Lianhua Qingwen Capsules PLUS from Yami, and it arrived in three days. In order to collect the order and use the discount, I also chose Lejiajia's black sesame dumplings and Chia Tai figs. and the price are satisfied. Yiling Lianhua Qingwen Capsules PLUS: dietary supplements containing forsythin and Rhodiola rosea to improve respiratory function, traditional Chinese medicine cold medicine, not only relieve cold symptoms, but also clear and detoxify, nasal congestion and runny nose, muscle soreness, fever and high fever , fatigue, headache, dry throat and cough symptoms are applicable, three times a day, four tablets at a time, this small bottle has 36 tablets, which can be taken for three days. Lejiajia's black sesame dumplings: weight 26G, there are 8 independent small packages inside, after opening it is a small black ball, tasted a very delicious, slightly sweet but not greasy, sesame and glutinous, the taste is a bit like no soup the Lantern Festival. Chia Tai shredded figs: a bag of 8G, sweet and sour appetizer, fresh and fragrant, crisp and tough, multiple tastes, very comfortable to chew when motion sickness, the main ingredients are shredded white radish, figs, white sugar, edible salt, citric acid, etc. .
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# 2022双节快乐 # 从亚米买了莲花清瘟胶囊PLUS,三天就到货了,为了凑单用折扣,这次还选了乐加佳的黑芝麻汤圆和正大无花果丝,收到三样商品后,从质量和价格上都满意。 以岭莲花清瘟胶囊PLUS:含连翘苷、红景天的膳食补充剂,提升呼吸功能,中药感冒药,不仅缓解感冒症状,更能清瘟解毒,鼻塞流涕、肌肉酸疼、发热高烧、乏力头疼、咽干咳嗽症状都适用,一日三次、一次四片,这个小瓶子有36粒,可服用三天的量。 乐加佳的黑芝麻汤圆:重量26G,里面有8个独立的小包装,打开后是个黑色的小球,尝了一个很好吃,微甜不腻、芝麻糯香,口感有点像没有汤汁的元宵。 正大无花果丝:一袋8G,酸甜开胃、品味鲜香、爽脆Q韧、多重口感,晕车的时候嚼着很舒服,成分主要有白萝卜丝、无花果、白砂糖、食用盐、柠檬酸等。