# 2022双节快乐 # This one continues the simple, practical and authentic style of his family as always. The ingredients for this tea are Orange peel, barley, mulberry leaves, dandelion, gardenia, kudzu, corn silk, burdock It is a common food supplement for reducing fat and blood sugar. Tea bags are made of these materials No extra additives or fragrances clear tea The color is darker than that of red bean barley The taste of tea is full of grassy taste 😂 The taste of corn silk can hardly be tasted More of a dandelion (mother-in-law) and mulberry leaf flavor Friends who are not used to herbal tea soup may not like it too much But it's really full of the taste of nature The packaging is still a simple and practical paper bag Waterproof and moisture-proof with tinfoil compartment inside I like this kind of real and practical products that are genuine and environmentally friendly. tips Barley is a strong milk-returning ingredient Breastfeeding mothers should pay attention⚠️
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# 2022双节快乐 # 这款延续了他家一如既往的简洁实用 真材实料的风格 这款茶的配料有 橘皮、大麦、桑叶、蒲公英、栀子、葛根、玉米须、牛蒡子 都算是常见的解腻降脂降血糖的食补食材 茶包内都是这些材料构成 没有格外的添加剂或是香精 茶汤清澈 颜色比红豆薏米的要深一些 茶的味道充满草系味道😂 玉米须的味道几乎品不出来 更多是蒲公英(婆婆丁)和桑叶的味道 不习惯草系茶汤的小伙伴 可能不会太喜欢 但真的满口都是大自然的味道 包装依旧是简单实用的纸包 内附锡纸隔层防水防潮的 就喜欢这种实在又实用 真材实料又环保的产品 tips 大麦算是很强的回奶食材 母乳期妈妈要注意⚠️