# 2022双节快乐 # Three crab fish sauce is the best fish sauce, bar none. Usually stir-fry and eat noodles, cook soup, and let it go, the taste will be upgraded to a new level. Those who like it can't do without it. For example, my home is one of the standing supplies. Bought a bottle of Korean fish sauce at Yami during the out-of-stock period. I think the taste is saltier than the three crabs, not as mellow as the three crabs. But for pickling spicy cabbage, not bad. Those who like spicy cabbage can use this, after all, it is cheap and big bottle.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 三蟹鱼露是最好吃的鱼露,没有之一。平时炒菜吃面,煮汤,放一丢丢,味道一下子就提升一个档次。 喜欢的人完全离不开它。比如我家,属于常备物资之一。 缺货期间,在亚米买了一瓶韩国的鱼露。味道我觉得比三蟹的咸,没有三蟹的那么醇香。不过用来腌制辣白菜,还不错。喜欢辣白菜的可以用这款,毕竟便宜又大瓶。