# 2022双节快乐 # The first time I placed an order from Yamibuy in Taiwan, the logistics is very fast. I ordered on Sunday, received on Wednesday. As a pastry lover, I can't wait to open it and try it. I have only eaten pineapple cakes in supermarkets for a few dollars before, and this time I am looking forward to the more expensive Taiwanese local pineapple cakes. Also for better evaluation, I simply bought the two big pineapple cakes, Jiade and Wei Hot Hill. It can only be said that the difference between the 30-dollar pineapple cake and the few-dollar pineapple cake is bigger than their price difference, which broke my imagination of the upper limit of the deliciousness of this kind of food when I ate ordinary pineapple cake. The taste is more dense and milky, with a strong pineapple flavor and no industrial flavor. After all, the shelf life is only thirty or forty days, and the raw materials must be much fresher. Personally I love Jia Te, my wife thinks the slightly hot hills taste better. The Jiade skin is thinner, the inside is more delicate, the slightly hot hill skin is thicker, and the inside of the pineapple puree is more grainy and feels fresher, it depends on personal preference. In fact, the most surprising thing is not the pineapple cake, but the scallion cake. This will really be repurchased indefinitely. It belongs to the kind of taste you can imagine, but it is definitely more delicious than you think.
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yami_featured_image # 2022双节快乐 # 第一次下单亚米商城台湾购,物流好快。我周日下单,周三收到。作为一个糕点控,迫不及待打开开尝。之前只吃过超市几刀的凤梨酥,这次对价格贵上不少的台湾本地凤梨酥充满期待。也是为了更好评测,索性两大凤梨酥扛把子佳德和微热山丘都买来尝尝。只能说三十刀的凤梨酥和几刀的凤梨酥的差别比他们的价格差别还要大,打破了我吃普通凤梨酥时对这种食物好吃程度上限的想象。口感上更加绵密奶香味十足,浓浓凤梨味,没有工业香精的味道。毕竟是保质期都只有三四十天,原料肯定新鲜很多。我个人很喜欢佳德,我老婆觉得微热山丘更好吃。佳德皮更薄,内陷更细腻,微热山丘皮更厚,内陷凤梨蓉颗粒感更强感觉更新鲜,看个人喜好。其实最惊喜的还不是凤梨酥,而是葱轧饼,这个真的会无限回购,属于是那种你能想象到的味道,但又绝对比你想象的好吃的感觉。