# 2022双节快乐 # Beijing Tongrentang is also an old health care brand. This packaging looks very high-end and has a Chinese flavor~ A box of 120g contains 24 tea bags The original price is only $8+, the price is still very high The ingredients are quite rich 👇 orange peel orange barley Licorice Bellflower Loquat leaves Mint Sydney Monk fruit orange flower pale bamboo leaves fat sea Gardenia honeysuckle The first thing you smell when you open the package is the fresh mint smell. There is no special taste in the mouth after soaking it out. But if you taste it carefully, you can drink all kinds of things in the ingredient list. Just by looking at the tea bags, you can see that there are so many things The sign on the tea bag reads "For Inner Court" There are two golden dragons on the side Teammates feel like a king Really delicious, very sweet and refreshing As a health tea, it is really good to drink to the extreme Except for Sydney loquat tea They also have brown sugar ginger tea/longan red date rose tea/cassia burdock tea I want to buy it and try it later!
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# 2022双节快乐 # 北京同仁堂也是个老养生牌子了 这包装看起来就很高级很有中国味~ 一盒一共120g 有24个茶包 原价也才$8+ 性价比还是很高的 配料相当丰富👇 橘皮 橘红 大麦 甘草 桔梗 枇杷叶 薄荷 雪梨 罗汉果 桔花 淡竹叶 胖大海 栀子 金银花 打开包装首先闻到的就是清新的薄荷味 泡出来喝进嘴里没有一种味道特别冲 但仔细品又能喝出配料表里的各种东西 单看茶包就能看出来东西超丰富 茶包上的挂牌写着“内廷上用” 边上还有俩金龙的图案 队友看了觉得自己像皇上 真的很好喝 很香甜清爽 作为养生茶真的是把好喝也发挥到了极致 除了雪梨枇杷茶 他们家还有黑糖姜茶/桂圆红枣玫瑰茶/决明子牛蒡茶 之后都想要买来尝尝看!