# 2022双节快乐 # The packaging bag is Nanchuan rice hot dry powder with golden yellow and orange red. The picture is printed with fragrant sauce, bold 50%, konjac products, calorie 460, a bowl of hot dry powder with rich flavors, good news for people who lose weight. Open Wuhan Sesame Hot Sauce Konjac Rice Noodle, a total of 168G, including: 1, rice noodles 120G, 2, sesame paste 25G, 3, bean paste 15G, 4, chili oil 8G, 5, sour beans. With sesame paste, bean paste, and chili oil, it should be a good match with shredded cucumber and fish sausage. Let's talk about the cooking method: 1. Put the hot dry powder into the pot with cold water and cook for 12 minutes; 2. During the waiting period, wash the fresh cucumbers and cut them into shreds, and cut two WANG fish sausages into small pieces with cruciforms; 3. After cooking the hot dry powder for 12 minutes, turn off the heat, cover the pot, and simmer for another three minutes; 4. Take out the konjac flour, mix it with sesame paste, bean paste, chili oil, and sour beans while it is still hot. The color is uniform, the aroma is fragrant, and the taste is not greasy. It is ready in about 15 minutes; 5. Spread a part of the cucumber shreds on the bottom of the food container, and the other part is placed on the side.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 包装袋是金黄色和桔红色搭配的南川稻盛热干粉,图上印着香浓酱汁,加粗50%,魔芋制品,卡路里460,一碗口味丰富的热干粉,减肥人士的福音。 打开Wuhan Sesame Hot Sauce Konjac Rice Noodle,共168G,包括:1、米粉120G,2、芝麻酱25G,3、豆酱15G,4、辣油8G,5、酸爽豆角。 有了芝麻酱、豆酱、辣油,同黄瓜丝、鱼肉肠应该是很好的搭配,下面说说烹饪方法: 一、将热干粉冷水下锅,煮12分钟; 二,在等待期间,把新鲜小黄瓜洗净切成丝,两根WANG鱼肉肠切成有十字花的小段; 三、煮了12分钟后的热干粉,关火盖上锅盖,再焖三分钟; 四、捞出魔芋粉,趁热拌入芝麻酱、豆酱、辣油、酸爽豆角,色泽均匀、香气扑鼻、好吃不腻,约15分钟准备妥当; 五、把黄瓜丝的一部分铺在食器最下面,另一部分码盘于侧。