# 2022双节快乐 # In Yami's limited-time sale, I bought Mingzhu Spicy Konjac Liangpi in barrels, $1.99 each, with a total weight of 200 grams. I tore the thin plastic package and opened it. There are five kinds inside: Konjac Liangpi with a small amount of water. Fresh-keeping transparent bag, chili oil bag, sesame oil bag, vinegar bag, foldable fork. Konjac products are low-calorie, rich in dietary fiber, and have a strong sense of satiety. The konjac cold skin in the bag is somewhat liquid. After opening, discard the excess to prevent diluting the seasoning concentration. Put the chili oil packet, sesame oil packet, and vinegar packet into and stir. Ready to eat. In the red round lunch box, the konjac cold skin is translucent and refreshing, and the lettuce leaves are fresh and delicious, spicy and tender; it does not need to be fired, it is very convenient, the seasoning is not greasy, and the taste is rich; it is an excellent delicacy among vegetarians.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 在亚米的限时抢购活动中,买了明珠麻辣味魔芋桶装凉皮,1.99美元每个,总重量是200克,撕开薄塑料包装,打开后里面有五样:带有少量水分的魔芋凉皮保鲜透明包、辣油包、香油包、醋包、可折叠叉子。 魔芋制品低热量,富含膳食纤维,饱腹感极强,袋中的魔芋凉皮有些液体,开封后将多余的倒掉,以防止冲淡调味浓度,把辣油包、香油包、醋包放入搅拌即食。 红色圆桶餐盒里,魔芋凉皮透亮Q弹、爽口劲道;配的生菜叶清新入味、麻辣鲜嫩;不用开火、十分方便,调料不腻、味道丰富;是素食中的绝佳美味。