# 2022双节快乐 # I am very familiar with Hong Kong Lee Kum Kee bottled oyster sauce. It tastes fresh and mellow. This LEE KUM KEE Chinese famous dish series of spicy hot pot soup was found in Yami. It was purchased for 1.49 US dollars. This small packet of 70g can also make 1.5L. soup base. I just bought the sheep scorpion and received it. I used a quantity of about two pounds and prepared to make the spicy sheep scorpion soup hot pot. It is very convenient to have a base. All you need is water and Lee Kum Kee Old Village Premium Oyster Sauce. You don’t need to put any other condiments. The ingredients are sheep scorpions, sweet potatoes, small potatoes, mushrooms, wet bread flour, shallots, watercress, longan, ginger slices, and red dates.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 对香港李锦记瓶装蚝油很熟悉,味道鲜香醇正,这款LEE KUM KEE中国名菜系列之麻辣火锅上汤,是在亚米发现的,1.49美元购入,这一小包70g也能涮出1.5L的汤底。 正好买得羊蝎子收到了,选用大约两磅左右的量,准备做麻辣羊蝎子上汤火锅,有底料太方便了,清水和李锦记旧庄特级蚝油即可,其它调味品什么都不用放。 食材有羊蝎子、红薯、小土豆、蘑菇、湿宽粉、小葱、西洋菜、桂圆、生姜片、红枣。