# 2022双节快乐 # Hong Kong’s VITA series of drinks, the most commonly used is Vita soy milk. Drinking it when you’re hungry makes you feel full. For other drinks in the brand, I like lemon tea, which not only quenches thirst but also goes well with mixed cocktails. Light and uncomplicated. When I usually go out to shop, I will put a soft-packed tea in my bag. It does not take up space and can be taken with you. Especially when you are in the Food Court, you have to take a break and have something to eat. You can accompany your meal or take your own Bring snacks to drink.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 香港VITA维他系列饮品,接触较多的是维他豆奶,饿的时候喝,略微有饱腹感,品牌里其它饮料,最爱选柠檬茶,不但解渴而且好配混合鸡尾酒,口感即不寡淡又不复杂。 平时出门逛店,在包里会塞个软包装茶饮,不占地方、随饮随拿,尤其是到了Food Court,怎么也要休息下吃点东西,可以伴着餐食,也可就着自带的小零食饮用。