# 亚米与你相识已9 # Speaking of rice noodles, I think of the time when I was in school. I often went to eat rice noodles with my classmates at noon, because there were no snail noodles at that time, such as ramen, rice noodles and Mala Tang. I still like rice noodles the most, and now I can eat them at home. The last bowl is also very satisfying, and the method is super simple, you only need to cook a powder Compared with snail powder, it is obviously much simpler, a pack is quite light, and there are not many ingredients in it, but there is my favorite shredded kelp, and the amount is also sufficient, and then there are peanuts, dry rice noodles, chili oil, Powder and Sesame Sauce 🍝 cooking method Add the rice noodles to the boiling water and cook for 6-8 minutes. You can pinch them off with chopsticks. Be sure to add the noodles to a larger bowl‼ ️Otherwise, the sesame sauce is not easy to stir, I just go to change the bowl in the middle Add various ingredients to the rice noodles, then add 450 ml of boiling water, stir the sesame paste with chopsticks and eat it 🍝The kelp is very soft and glutinous, the peanuts are also very crispy, the sesame sauce is really the finishing touch, especially fragrant, really like the sesame sauce rice noodles eaten in a noodle restaurant, the only problem with this one is that the amount is a bit small, you have to add more side dishes yourself , I added my own braised beef tendon, and lettuce. The boiled greens are delicious with the sesame sauce soup base. # 2022双节快乐 #
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# 亚米与你相识已9 # 说起米线就想起了上学那会儿,中午经常和同学去吃米线,因为那时候还木有螺狮粉啥的,就是拉面、米线和麻辣烫,我还是最喜欢米线,如今自己在家能吃上一碗也是非常满足,而且做法超简单,只需要煮个粉就行 和螺狮粉相比它明显朴实很多,一包挺轻的,里面的配料也不是很多,但有我最喜欢的海带丝,而且量也很够,再就是花生米、干米粉、辣椒油、粉包和麻酱包 🍝煮法 米粉加到滚水里煮个6-8分钟,用筷子夹一下能夹断就可以了,一定要把面加到一个大点的碗里‼️不然麻酱不好搅拌,我就是中途又去换碗 把各种配料加到米线里,再加入450毫升沸水,用筷子把麻酱搅拌均匀之后就可以开吃了 🍝海带很软糯,花生也很香脆,麻酱真的是点睛之笔,特别特别香,真的好像面馆里吃的麻酱米线,这款唯一的问题就是量有点少,要自己多加点配菜,我加了自己卤的牛腱,还有生菜,水煮的青菜配上麻酱汤底都很有味 # 2022双节快乐 #