# 亚米与你相识已9 # For others, Yami is the icing on the cake, but for me, it is a blessing in disguise. I still remember that in 2015, I just moved to a small town in central California from the largest city in the east where I have lived for more than 10 years. The nearest Chinese supermarket is an hour and a half drive one way. Although it is not necessary to have Chinese food every day, but every time I think that I can see Chinese food once a month, I can't help feeling that I have really left my hometown. At this time, I met Yami, and I was very happy with the first order. I bought all the snacks that I usually like to eat. Then I started to place regular orders for fast food, then drinks, and more snacks. During my pregnancy in 2017, my mother was anxious to send me nutritional supplements and supplements for confinement. I went to Yami to have a look. There are confinement stew boxes, and Prince Edward brand American ginseng. Mom said she was relieved. In March 2020, YQ suddenly swept across the United States, and supermarkets all over the country were snapped up. In California, I worry about whether my elderly parents on the East Coast can get enough food. Yami once again solved my urgent needs. I placed an online order, and a week later, my parents received a box full of bread, instant food and various brewed drinks (sesame paste, walnut paste...). In 2021, Yami's product range and coverage have completely exceeded my imagination, and I have long been used to ordering a few snacks, beverages, instant food and skin care products, and even small electrical appliances at Yami's every month. Is that all there is to it? No! No! No! If it weren't for Yami, my knowledge of the country would be at a minimum. Because of Yami, I know the current trend of Chinese people. In addition to all kinds of fast food, snacks, and beverages, there is actually a blind box culture that I have discarded for several years. I just came into contact with Bubble Mart, and here comes Ruolai again. Ruolai focuses on the national tide culture, which is a nostalgia for those of us who have been away from home for decades, and a nurturing for our next generation. Thanks for the encounter and acquaintance with Yami, because of you, life has more satisfaction; because of you, life is ordinary but interesting; because of you, our hearts have more peace and hope. Although we didn't meet you in the first place, we met at the most suitable time. Thank you for your journey along the way. Yami is also 9 years old. I wish you will be as evergreen as an evergreen tree.
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yami_featured_image # 亚米与你相识已9 # 亚米于别人而言或是锦上添花,对我则是雪中送炭。还记得2015年刚从生活了10几年的东部最大城市搬来了加州中部小镇,最近的华人超市要开车单程一个半小时。虽说不一定要每日中餐,但每一想到一个月才可以看到一次中式食品,不免霎时有种真的背井离乡的感觉。 这时我遇见了亚米,第一单好开心,买的都是平常爱吃的零食。接下来开始经常下单买速食,然后饮料,和更多的零食。 2017年怀孕期间,妈妈着急地要给我寄营养品和月子里的补品。我上亚米看了一下,有月子炖品盒呢,还有太子牌花旗参。妈妈说她放心了。 2020年3月,YQ突然席卷全美,各地超市被抢购一空。身在加州的我担心起远在东岸年迈的父母是否可以买到足够的食物。亚米再一次为我解决燃眉之急,我网上下单,一周后爸妈收到满满一箱的面包、速食品和各式冲泡式饮品(芝麻糊、核桃糊…)。 2021年,亚米的产品种类、涵盖范围已经完全超乎我想象了,而我也早已习惯每月在亚米下几单零食、饮料、速食品和护肤品,甚至小电器。 仅此而已吗? No!No!No! 若不是亚米,我应该对国内的了解快趋于最小值了。因为亚米,我才知道现在国人的流行趋势。除了各式速食品、零食、饮料,竟还有我已丢弃数年的盲盒文化。 才刚接触了泡泡玛特,又来了若来。若来更是主打国潮文化,对我们这种远离家乡几十年的人是一份乡情,对于我们的下一代是一种熏陶。 感谢与亚米的相遇、相识,因为有你,生活多了一份满足;因为有你,日子过得平凡却有趣;因为有你,我们的心里多了一份安稳与希望。虽然没有在最初的时候遇见你,我们还是在最合适的时候遇上了。感恩一直以来的一路同行,亚米也9周岁了,祝你如常青树般永远长青。