# 亚米与你相识已9 # Yami bought this half-cooked cheesecake, there are 8 individual small packages in a box. The cheese is so rich you can smell it as soon as you open the package. The taste is dense and firm, and the sweetness is mixed with a little salty taste of sea salt. It is not too greasy, and it is just right to eat a piece every time. Don't know why it's "half cooked" cheese 🍰. I checked and found that, as the name suggests, it is roasted to half-cooked and undercooked. This way 🍰 is lighter and the taste is more dense and delicate. I have never tasted freshly made half-cooked cheese🍰, so I can't say whether it is good or not. But as an affordable afternoon tea snack with a lot of portion and good taste, it is still ok. Happy birthday to Yami 🎂🎁🎊🎈
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# 亚米与你相识已9 # 亚米买的这款半熟芝士蛋糕,一盒里有8个独立小包装。 芝士味浓郁,一开包就能闻得到。口感绵密紧实,甜里混着些许海盐的咸味,不会太腻,每次吃一块刚刚好。 不知道为什么是“半熟”芝士🍰。查了查得知顾名思义就是烘焙至半熟未熟的程度。这样🍰更加轻盈,口感更绵密细腻。 没尝过现做的半熟芝士🍰,也不好说它👆算不算好。但作为一款价格实惠,份量不少,味道不错的下午茶小零食,还是可以的。 祝亚米生日快乐🎂🎁🎊🎈