# 亚米与你相识已9 # 👆This big bag is the cream cheese flavored turkey noodles that I bought during the spike. There are five small packets in it, and each packet contains a flatbread, a seasoning powder packet, and a hot sauce packet. Seasoning powder is slightly sweet cheese flavor. Spicy buns are spicy. I'm not very fond of spicy food, after eating this side, I feel like 🔥 in my mouth. Everyone said that this is not too spicy, other flavors are more spicy. For those who love spicy food, it is right to buy it, it will definitely make you addicted! But I can't eat spicy food, so let's step back weakly😄 But I have to say this pancake is really good. Smooth and chewy 👍 Happy birthday to Yami 🎂🎁🎊🎈
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# 亚米与你相识已9 # 👆这大包是秒杀的时候买的奶油芝士味火鸡面。里面有五小包,每小包里都有一个面饼,一个调味粉包,一个辣酱包。 调味粉是微甜芝士味道。辣包就是辣呀。我不太能吃辣,吃了这面之后,感觉嘴里都在冒🔥。大家都说这款不算太辣,其他口味更辣。爱吃辣的小伙伴,买它准没错,绝对让你过瘾!但我这不能吃辣的,还是弱弱的退下吧😄 但不得不说这面饼是真的不错。劲道顺滑,有嚼劲👍 祝亚米生日快乐🎂🎁🎊🎈