# YamiSakuraSeason # Ready to eat, super convenient It's very suitable for friends who go out or have no time to cook in the morning! I don't like porridge very much myself But I like purple rice. So do the soft and waxy purple rice porridge Moderate sweetness, with light purple rice fragrance ~ Buy it! Ready to eat right out of the bag, super convenient It is very suitable for friends who go out or have no time to cook in the morning! I don't like porridge very much But I like purple rice, and I also like the soft and glutinous purple rice porridge The sweetness is moderate, accompanied by a light purple rice fragrance~ buy it!
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# YamiSakuraSeason # Ready to eat, super convenient It's very suitable for friends who go out or have no time to cook in the morning! I don't like porridge very much myself But I like purple rice. So do the soft and waxy purple rice porridge Moderate sweetness, with light purple rice fragrance ~ Spring comes Buy it! 开袋即食,超级方便 很适合外出或者早上来不及做饭的小伙伴! 我本身不太喜欢粥 但我喜欢紫米,软软糯糯的紫米粥也喜欢 甜度适中,伴随淡淡紫米香~ 买它!