In the United States, you can’t drink freshly made HEYTEA. Fortunately, HEYTEA has bottled beverages. Who can refuse the zero-calorie and delicious sparkling water? When it comes to zero-calorie sparkling water, it is inevitable to mention Vitality Forest. HEYTEA sparkling water further emphasizes the concept of health on the basis of zero-calorie, adding vitamin C, prebiotics and dietary fiber to different flavors. This time, I have collected all four flavors that can be bought on Yami. I think each flavor has its own characteristics, regardless of the top or bottom, it all depends on personal preference. What also surprises me is that its sweetness is slightly lower than that of Yuanqi Forest, especially white peach and lychee. I always feel that Yuanqi Forest is still a little sweet, and the sweetness of Hey Tea is just right for me. In contrast, I personally think that the current strength of Yuanqi Forest is that there are many flavor choices, and there are more environmentally friendly cans packaging. I hope HEYTEA can develop in this direction in the future! # YamiSakuraSeason #
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身在美国喝不到现做的喜茶,还好喜茶出了瓶装饮料,零卡路里又美味的气泡水谁能拒绝呢? 说到零卡气泡水免不了要提到元气森林,喜茶气泡水在零卡的基础更进一步强调健康概念,给不同口味分别添加了维生素C,益生元和膳食纤维。 这次我把亚米上能买到的四种口味都集齐了,我觉得每一款味道都各有特色,不分上下,完全看个人喜好了。 另外让我惊喜的是它的甜度会比元气森林略低一点,尤其是白桃和荔枝,我一直觉得元气森林的还是有点偏甜,而喜茶的甜度对我来说刚好。 相比之下,我个人认为目前元气森林的优势在于口味选择很多,并且还有更加环保的易拉罐包装,希望接下来喜茶也能朝这个方向发展! # YamiSakuraSeason #