# 我的囤货清单 # It's not too early for a 20-year-old woman to start applying eye masks. Our women's eyes are the easiest to betray our age. So the eye mask really can't be stopped. Immediately after taking a shower, set it up. I choose tonight Korea's JAYJUN Green Tea Eye Gel Patch Green Tea Eye Gel Patch. There are many ways to use this. You can refer to Figure 5 below. The corners of the mouth, the forehead, the neck, etc. can all be pasted. Where to maintain. Where to post. After sticking it, you can massage it lightly for a while. Help maximize the effect. About 15-20 minutes. This one feels icy cold on the face. Very comfortable. The texture is like jelly gel. After putting it on, it is not easy to slip off when you walk around. It is very suitable for organizing things while applying. There are 60 tablets in a box. The ingredients contain niacinamide, hyaluronic acid and other extracts. Can help with hydration. Brightens the skin around the eyes. I quite like it.
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# 我的囤货清单 # 20岁➕的女人就开始敷眼膜其实真不算早. 我们女人的眼睛是最容易出卖我们的年纪了. 所以眼膜真的不能停. 洗完澡立马安排起来. 今晚我选的是 韩国的 JAYJUN绿茶凝胶眼膜·Green Tea Eye Gel Patch. 这款的用法很多种.大家可以参考下图5. 嘴角.额头.颈部等通通能贴. 哪里需要保养.往哪贴. 贴上去后可以轻轻按压按摩一会. 帮助效果最大化. 大概15-20分钟. 这款上脸是冰冰凉凉的感觉. 很舒服. 质地跟果冻凝胶一样. 敷上去后走来走去都不易滑落. 很适合一边整理东西.一边敷. 一盒里有60片. 成分含有烟酰胺.透明质酸等提取物. 能够帮助补水. 提亮眼周围的肌肤. 我蛮喜欢的.