# 我的囤货清单 # I have to admit that every time I see this little Wangzai baby on the Wangzai trademark, I really feel better. Sure enough, the innocent smile of the cute baby is the most healing! I bought Wangzai milk candy from Yami. I have eaten Wangzai strawberry-flavored milk candy before. It is very delicious, but it has been out of stock. ! This large package of Wangzai Milk Candy is 318 grams, priced at $5.99, a large amount and affordable! The large package is a small independent package, which is convenient for storage and convenient for children to eat in limited quantities. In terms of taste, each milky taste is rich and sweet, and it is very popular among children!
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# 我的囤货清单 # 不得不承认,我每次看到旺仔商标上的这只小旺仔宝宝真的是心情就跟着好起来,果然可爱宝宝的纯真笑脸最为治愈! 从亚米上购入了旺仔牛奶糖,之前吃过旺仔草莓味的牛奶糖,特别好吃,但是一直断货,好不容易才蹲到补货,尽管还是没有草莓味的,原味也不错!这一大包旺仔牛奶糖318克,售价$5.99,量大实惠! 大包装里是一颗颗的独立小包装,储存方便,也方便给小朋友限量吃。味道上,一颗颗奶味浓郁,丝丝清甜,深受小朋友们喜爱!