# 我的囤货清单 # If you like to eat sweet and sour pork ribs, you must stock up. You can eat sweet and sour pork ribs anytime at home! And it's very simple to do: ✅ Just marinate the ribs, then coat them with flour and fry them in a pan, ✅Then add this sweet and sour pork ribs sauce in another pot and put in the fried pork ribs quickly 🔜 Stir fry evenly and you're done! Delicious and appetizing sweet and sour pork ribs can be enjoyed! ❤️Delicious😋😋
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# 我的囤货清单 # 喜欢吃糖醋排骨的这个一定要囤起来, 在家随时都能吃上酸甜可口的排骨吖! 而且做法也是十分简单: ✅只要把排骨腌制一下,再裹上面粉下油锅炸熟, ✅然后另起锅加入这个甜酸排骨酱再把炸好的排骨放进来快速🔜翻炒均匀就大功告成啦! 好吃又开胃的糖醋排骨就可以享用啦! ❤️Delicious😋😋