# 我的囤货清单 # Japan's Biore Biore Pore Cleansing Nose Stick is really good. The nose strips I use are characterized by nasal strips and topical strips. Especially local stickers. It can be treated for the nose and other parts of the nose. I think it's more powerful to use topical stickers. Because it is very docile when it is posted. There is no bubble. It's also pretty simple to use. Also wet your nose first. Then stick it on. Wait 15-20 minutes before tearing it off. It is recommended to go from the outside to the inside. The tearing method from the bottom to the top works better. The experience is pretty good. Figure 4 is disgusting hahaha. You can pass. A final reminder. After using the nose stick, you must remember to apply a mask. Or use a wet compress with Dr. Shirono Pore Conditioning Water to shrink pores. Also helps soothe. This way the nose will not be red the next day.
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# 我的囤货清单 # 日本的Biore·碧柔毛孔清洁鼻贴是真的很好用. 我用的这款鼻贴的特点是有鼻贴和局部贴. 特别是局部贴. 它是可以针对鼻子和鼻子以外的部位进行处理. 我觉得用局部贴效果更强大. 因为它贴上去的时候非常服帖.没有bubble. 使用起来也蛮简单的. 也是先打湿鼻子. 然后在贴上它.等上个15-20分钟就可以撕下. 建议由外到内.由下到上的撕法效果比较好. 体验效果蛮不错的.图4比较恶心哈哈哈.可以pass. 最后提醒.用完鼻贴一定一定一定要记得敷面膜. 或者用城野医生毛孔收敛水湿敷收缩毛孔一下. 也帮助舒缓. 这样第二天鼻子就不会红红的了.