# 我的囤货清单 # Lee Kum Kee's black pepper sauce is always available at home. I mainly use it to cook two dishes. One is black pepper beef pasta🍝, I personally don’t like tomato pasta very much. So I often cook pasta with this sauce. The second is black pepper mushroom broccoli🥦, this dish is loved by the family from top to bottom, it is a dish suitable for all ages. Everyone can try.
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# 我的囤货清单 # 李锦记的黑椒汁,家中常备。我主要用它煮两种菜。一是黑椒牛肉意面🍝,我个人不是很喜欢吃番茄意面。所以我常常用这款酱煮意面。二是黑椒蘑菇西兰花🥦,这道菜家里从上到下都喜欢,是道老少皆宜的菜。大家可以试试。