# 我的囤货清单 # Continue to talk about Lu's shampoo in the last article. This article is about the red series. It mainly focuses on dyeing and perming damaged hair. Summer is here, and it is the annual hair dyeing period. Therefore, it is best to prepare shampoo for repair in advance. The smell of this one is stronger than that of the purple one, and the smell of ginseng is heavier. Fortunately, it is fragrant and acceptable. This bottle has 500ml. There is no price increase if you increase the amount.
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# 我的囤货清单 # 继续上篇聊吕家洗发水,这篇说的是红色系列,它主打染烫损伤发质,夏天到了,又是一年一度染发时期了。所以提前最好洗发水修复准备,这款的味道比紫色那款浓,参的味道也更重,好在都是香的,可以接受。这瓶有500ml哦.加量不加价。