# 我的囤货清单 #海天 Extremely fresh soy sauce Highly recommended! I have always been accustomed to June fresh, and I have never thought to try other brands. I estimate that it will be very fresh in the sea and the sky for a long time in the future! Super delicious! I think I can eat a bowl of rice as long as I eat it with chopsticks! Not much to say, everyone, close your eyes and buy, buy, buy!
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# 我的囤货清单 #海天 味极鲜酱油 强烈推荐!一直以来习惯了六月鲜,都不曾想过尝试其他牌子的,我估计以后会很长时间一直入海天味极鲜了!超级好吃!我觉得只要用筷子沾着吃我都能吃一碗饭!话不多说大家闭着眼睛买买买吧!