# 我的囤货清单 # Tian Xiaohua Sesame Sauce Wide Noodles Its packaging design is so eye-catching 😂 Tian Xiaohua potato flour is super delicious, so thinking that the sesame sauce wide flour is definitely not bad, I laughed when I finished cooking it, just a little bit. But it tastes good, so should I add a little something else to it?
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# 我的囤货清单 # 田小花麻酱宽粉 它的包装设计的简直太抓人眼球了😂田小花土豆粉超级美味,所以想着麻酱宽粉肯定不会差,我把它煮完盛出来的时候我直接笑了,这么一点点。但味道是不错的,所以我是不是应该加一点其他的东西一起吃呢?