# 我的囤货清单 # Spring skin care in progress|Ins net red popular wedding mask The first face mask that came into contact with this brand was in the TJ Maxx skin care area. I often swipe this on the Internet, so I saw it in the store and bought it It seems that the first time I bought it was a green aloe vera honey mask. The first time I used it, I was amazed by the mask paper, very light and docile And the price is also very close to the people, less than 2 knives a piece, a box of 5 pieces I used to apply it every day in winter, and I don’t have to worry about excess nutrition and acne. This time I punched in their classic pink wedding mask Pink, many girls heart, the main repair dull and bright And with a faint fragrance, mainly because of the facial mask paper
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# 我的囤货清单 # 春季护肤进行时|ins网红爆款婚纱面膜 最早接触到这个牌子的面膜是在TJ Maxx护肤区 经常在网上刷到这款,于是在店铺内看到就买了 印象中第一次买到的好像是绿色款的芦荟蜜光面膜 第一次使用,有被面膜纸惊艳到,很轻薄服帖 而且价格也很亲民,不到2刀一片,一盒5片 之前冬天每天敷,也不用担心营养过剩会长痘 这次打卡了他们家的经典粉色款的婚纱面膜 粉粉的,很多少女心,主打修复暗沉及提亮 而且带一股淡淡的清香,主要还是面膜纸好评