# 我的囤货清单 # Try the milk beer with full curiosity, the first sip seems familiar, the second sip, ah! Isn't this sour yogurt! It tastes good after ice, sweet and sour, with a bit of bubbles, like drinking yogurt with a refreshing texture. I love this flavor, I have to stock up on a box next time, it is so suitable to eat spicy food!
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# 我的囤货清单 # 帶著滿滿的好奇嘗試一下奶啤,第一口似曾相識,第二口下去,啊!這不就是酸酸乳嗎!冰過之後很好喝,酸酸甜甜的,有一丟丟氣泡感,像是喝質地清爽的優格。這個味道愛了愛了,下次得囤他個一箱,吃香辣的食物配起來太適合了!