# 我的囤货清单 # The joy Yami has given me includes and isn't limited to digging to try anything I haven't eaten before! And the joy of stocking up! I stocked up on the food people's private beef noodles. It is said that it is recommended by the Internet celebrity Douyin. I must try it! The ingredient list inside is high-quality wheat flour and non-fried noodles, fresh beef with freeze-dried technology, as well as mushrooms and dehydrated vegetables. You can eat a bowl of hot beef noodles in 5 minutes.
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# 我的囤货清单 # 亚米给我的快乐包括并不仅限于挖掘尝试以前没有吃过的任何东西!还有囤货的快乐!囤货了食族人私房牛肉面,据说是网红抖音推荐款,肯定要试试的!里面的配料表是优质小麦粉和非油炸面饼,冻干技术的新鲜牛肉真材实料,还有香菇和脱水蔬菜,5分钟就能吃到一碗热腾腾的牛肉面啦。