# 我的囤货清单 # The packaging of Ora's toothpaste is so cute! The pink and tender look is really reluctant to use it! This pink is peach mint flavor, which contains fluoride, which can effectively help inhibit and reduce plaque. In addition, there is a whitening effect. Brushing your teeth helps to remove the color caused by drinking tea and coffee. The cool smell of mint is very good, and after brushing it, I feel very fresh in my breath.
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# 我的囤货清单 # Ora皓樂齒牙膏的包裝這麼可以這麼可可愛愛!粉嫩嫩的樣子還真是有點捨不得用它呢!這一款粉色的是桃桃薄荷味,裡面含氟,可以有效的幫助抑制減少牙斑。另外還有靚白的效果,刷刷牙幫助把喝茶喝咖啡產生的顏色去掉。薄荷清涼的味道很棒,刷完自己感覺口氣挺清新的。