# 我的囤货清单 # Kikolon bath towel, very easy to use, this bath towel is of the right size, you can rub the entire palm of your hand, the quality is good, it does not pierce the skin, but it can rub off dead skin, and it feels good to exfoliate after washing. . After all, it is a consumable item, and it needs to be replaced after a while, so there is no problem in stocking up more.
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# 我的囤货清单 # Kikolon搓澡巾,挺好用的這個搓澡巾,大小合適,把手掌整個套著就能搓了,質量不錯不扎皮膚但又能把死皮搓掉,洗完感覺去角質的效果很好。畢竟是消耗品,用段時間需要換新的,所以多囤點沒毛病。