# 我的囤货清单 # Ever since cotton towel replaced towels, every time I see cotton towel doing activities It's more convenient and hygienic than towels After using it, you can also wipe the sink I'm afraid of rubbing my skin after washing my face. I have to supervise every time I wash my face with a towel. Unwrung towels are dripping all over the floor, sloppy to death After using this cotton towel, I wash my face much more diligently
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# 我的囤货清单 # 自从棉柔巾代替毛巾后 每次看到棉柔巾做活动 都要囤一波 比毛巾方便卫生 用完还可以擦擦洗手台 家里青春期孩子开始冒痘痘了 洗个脸就怕搓破皮似的 每次用毛巾洗脸都要监督 没拧干的毛巾滴的满地都是 邋遢的要命 用了这款棉柔巾后 洗脸勤快了不少