# 我的囤货清单 # I might be a hoarder! There is also Baijia Akuan pepper and hemp noodles in stock. This noodles is delicious and spicy. The noodles are wide and wide, with a little wave. It looks very appetizing. Eat it with some vegetables you like. It's so fun!
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# 我的囤货清单 # 我可能真是个囤货狂!存货里还有白家阿宽椒麻拌面,这款拌面鲜香麻辣有滋味,面条是宽宽的那种,还带一点波浪,看起来就很有食欲,配上一点喜欢的蔬菜吃起来特别过瘾!