# 入夏必备 #This Korean tiger sleeping mask has been purchased for a while. Because there are too many group goods at home, you must use up the soon-to-expire mask before you can use this mask. Idle aside. 🌟🌟🌟There are 30 packs of individually packaged masks in a box. After tearing it open, apply it directly on the face, and you can go to sleep. It is very convenient! It spreads easily on the face, it is cool, very comfortable, has a fragrance of herbs, I like it very much 💕! 🌟🌟🌟This mask has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, analgesic and repairing properties. If there are pimples on the face, apply it immediately on the pimples on the face, it can relieve itching and inflammation, the pimples will not become larger and more serious, and the anti-inflammatory effect is great! 🌟🌟🌟
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# 入夏必备 #这款韩国的老虎睡眠面膜已经购入有一段时间了,由于家里团货太多,要先把快过期面膜用完了,才能使用这款面膜,这款面膜有效期比较长,所以就先闲置在一边了。 🌟🌟🌟一盒面膜里面有三十包独立包装的面膜,撕开后直接涂匀在脸上,就可以睡觉了,非常方便!涂抹在脸上很好推开,凉凉的,很舒服,有一股草药的清香味,很喜欢💕! 🌟🌟🌟这款面膜有消炎、止痒、镇疼和修复的功效。如果脸上有青春痘,立即涂在脸上青春痘的位置上,能止痒和消炎,痘痘不会变大和变严重,抗炎功效棒棒哒!🌟🌟🌟