
The most basic makeup products and personal analysis


Post a list of the most basic makeup products, just personal preference, there is no crazy Amway cheering or anything.

Skin: Normal/Slightly oily.

First on the left isMacSkin Base Viage, is a small sample, because I personally don't care whether to use it or not/Makeup primer, I just use it casually. However, I have also stocked up some word-of-mouth products myself, and I will introduce them later. This product is very refreshing, it has a creamy texture, and it feels very moisturizing. Basically, I use it directly after cleansing, because I use the moisturizing product first and then use this easy-to-rub mud. It's moisturizing enough for my skin type, because sometimes I use my skin in the morning and evening, and only wash my face before going out. In addition to moisturizing, this product has pearl powder in it, so it has a natural luster after applying it, which is very beautiful, but it does not have a concealer effect. It can smooth the pores and make the follow-up makeup more docile. Does not contain SPF. The introductions are all here, if you like this type, you can buy it.

And then there is my Moisturizing Cream (Foundation). It is estimated that no one has heard of this brand. In China, it is used more in beauty salons, and some people use it. . I especially like this one because, it suits my skin type and the color suits my skin so well! ! Painted is the same as unpainted! But it evens out the redness on my face and also modifies a few pimples on my face. I've been trying to find foundations in similar shades. However, there is no color number for the imperial concubine cream, only this one, but it can be used in isolation from the same brand/sunscreen, it will shallow. However, I think my skin tone is very light, and I usually use it directly. I think this color is a cool shade, because it's a bit powdery, I personally use cool shades. Speaking of makeup removal, I have no problem using this for eight hours a day, and it gets more and more beautiful with the night, but it will become more and more integrated into my skin. Because of the secretion of skin oil, it is generally praised. Yes, it is also a physical sunscreen. I personally don't like the sticky feeling of sunscreen, so this bottle is my favorite. Then it is easy to push away, and I always put foundation on my fingers. I don't think it's dry, if it feels dry, you can use it with skin care oil or the like.

Then Run FangkeCCFan, I also use Yuefeng Poetry The peppermint loose powder but I introduced it before, so this time I will talk about it. I'm sorry if everyone is planting grass and can't buy it for the time being, domestic products😂. This is a powder, with a mirror, and then physical sunscreen, and there is an analysis of ingredients online. All in all, it is convenient to carry and make up makeup. The only problem is that the quality of the brushes sent is really bad. I have equipped a retractable brush that I can use when I go out. I have an empty disk. Logo also worn off. Let me tell you, you must use a powder with SPF when you touch up your makeup, because if you use physical sunscreen, you won't be able to protect it if you rub off your sweat and spend it! As for chemical sunscreens, they don't work. But to tell the truth, I personally rarely touch up makeup.😂I usually put on a layer of loose powder after makeup.

With the base makeup done, it's time to draw the eyebrows! This eyebrow pencil was bought on Taobao before, because I just dyed my hair and didn't have a suitable eyebrow pencil. I introduced it in the list beforesanaThree-in-one eyebrow pencil, I won't go into details here. I think trimming eyebrows is the most basic thing for girls, it looks very spiritual, but I am not very good at it😂Every time It's a little weird to draw.

Because of the foundation makeup, because the skin tone is even, people will look very flat, so blush or something is necessary. CanmakeThis blush is beautiful, easy to carry and super convenient! Yami can buy it! Lots of shades! You can mix and brush or brush separately (of course a little difficult). It's not even impossible if you force the upper left corner as a highlight.

Lipsticks🙄There are actually a dozen, so I just picked one up , because this is the first time I bought a lipstick in my life, 3CE, water red, color number802, because it is relatively red, it is recommended to use a lip brush. My lip brush is a retractable lip brush I bought on Taobao before, which is convenient for going out. The color of the lip brush will be lighter and less red, and you can also paint lip makeup. If there is time in the future, I can introduce other lipsticks. Yami can buy a lot of3CE, but this lipstick is a bit dry.


Piezi asked me to take pictures. I rarely take pictures recently, so this one is the most basic makeup look. I am not very good at makeup. Just trying to get some sun protection and even out my skin tone.

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左上第一个是MacSkin Base Viage,是一个小样,因为我个人无所谓用不用隔离/妆前乳,我就随便用用了。不过我自己也囤货了一些口碑产品,以后再介绍吧。这款产品非常清爽,是乳霜质地,感觉很保湿,基本上我是洁面后直接使用,因为先用了保湿产品再使用这款容易搓泥。对我的肤质来说保湿力度足以,因为有时候我早晚都护肤,出门前才洗了脸上妆的。除了保湿,这款产品有珠光粉末在里面,所以上脸后又自然的光泽,很好看,但是并没有遮瑕效果。能抚平毛孔,让后续上妆更服帖。不含防晒系数。介绍都在这里了,如果喜欢这类型的可以买。






