# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # I will never miss any product from Fangjia Shop! Strongly recommend the national nourishing time-honored mulberry paste, put a small spoonful when drinking tea, hot or cold! Moderately sweet! Suitable for all ages! To popularize the efficacy and role of mulberry: Mulberry nourishes qi and blood, and the effect of nourishing kidney and black hair. It has always been a good recipe for nourishing kidney and black hair. Mulberry paste can also prevent cancer and radiation, which is especially suitable for friends who often use computers. Mulberry ointment has a variety of active ingredients, which can adjust the immune function of the body, promote the growth of hematopoietic cells, lower blood sugar, lower lipids, lower blood pressure, protect the liver, and resist AIDS. It is precisely because mulberry juice is rich in natural antioxidants such as VC, beta-carotene, selenium, flavonoids and other nutrients. Taking mulberry ointment boiled with mulberry can improve the immune function and play the role of anti-oxidation, anti-aging and moisturizing and beauty.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 方家铺子的任何产品我都不会错过!强力推荐国民滋补老字号桑葚膏,喝茶时放一小勺,冷热皆可!甜度适中!老少咸宜! 给大家科普一下桑葚的功效与作用:桑葚补养气血和补肾、乌发的作用,是历来作为补肾乌发的良方。桑葚膏还能够防癌抗辐射,这一功效特别适合经常用电脑的朋友。桑葚膏具有多种活性成分,具有调整机体免疫功能,促进造血细胞生长、降糖、降脂、降血压、护肝、抗AIDS作用,对中老年病和延缓衰老有重要意义。也正是由于桑果汁中含有丰富的天然抗氧化成分VC、β-胡萝卜素、硒、黄酮等营养元素。服用用桑葚熬成的桑葚膏可通过改善免疫机能而起到抗氧化、延缓衰老及润肤美容的功效。