# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # How can there be no popsicles in the hot summer! Children and adults all like the little penguin strawberry-flavored popsicles. I will buy other flavors to try next time! Full of strawberry flavor and moderate sweetness! A pack of $3.59 has 10 popsicles. There is milk powder in the ingredients. Babies with allergies should pay attention!
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 炎热的夏天怎会少了棒棒冰! 小朋友,大朋友们都超级喜欢小企鹅草莓味的棒棒冰.下次要买其他口味的尝尝!草莓味十足,甜度适中! 一包$3.59有10根棒冰. 配料里有奶粉,有过敏体质的宝宝要注意哦!