# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Unboxing (2/2) Second box! Because the order is only 2 hours before and after, it is the same day knife as the one just now. There is no such thing as fatty sausage powder in the north... I can't eat the fried sausages made by the restaurant, and the taste is too heavy. But I couldn't help pushing the videos of station B. In the end, I compromised and bought the fat intestines (after wearing gloves for more than an hour to remove the fat, I could eat it) and then I found that the fat intestines were still good after the fat was removed. What to eat...I am thinking about the fat rice rolls pushed by the food counter. In this case, I can't go back to the country and run to the south to try it, so let's buy a fatty rice roll in Yami and try it. I don't see any good comments in the comments section. This package also specially bought the curry of the tumbler, this time I chose the spicy one. Although the medium spicy is quite spicy, I wanted to try it out to see what the combination of Korean curry and Japanese curry would taste, so I bought both boxes immediately. In addition, there are some p0 snacks... In fact, the good cheese strips exploded directly, and the french fries also exploded... Add the salted egg yolk sauce to the shopping cart and buy it again! ③
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yami_featured_image # 2022年中大促囤货指南 #开箱(2/2)第二盒!因为下单只有前后2h,所以和刚刚那个是同一天刀的。我们北方没有肥肠粉这种东西...我吃饭店做的炒肥肠也不太行,味儿太重了。但是禁不住B站的视频各种推送,最后还是妥协的自己买了肥肠(戴手套处理了1个多小时把脂肪去的干干净净可算能吃点了)然后发现原来脂肪去干净了肥肠还是好吃的...立刻惦记上美食台推送的肥肠粉。 这情况也回不去国跑到南方尝尝了,就在亚米买个肥肠粉试试看吧。我看评论区都不挺好的。这一包还特地买了不倒翁的咖喱,这次选了辣口的。虽然中辣已经挺辣了,我想试试看韩式咖喱和日式咖喱混合会是什么味,立马两盒都买了。另外就是一些膨化零食...其实上好佳的芝士条直接爆开了,薯条也爆炸了一份...和刚才那盒粒的咸蛋黄酱一起加购物车再买一次!③