# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Recently, [White Elephant · Soup is delicious] in the domestic instant noodles interface Really good reputation that is good! There are many white elephant mouth series. Today is the old hen soup flavored noodles. The name is soup is delicious. Explain that its characteristics are in the soup base. Indeed. The taste of the soup is moderately salty. I myself smell a little Chinese medicine that feel. Today's noodles are also added with tea leaves boiled by Taiwanese grandmothers. I bought water spinach with my friends and scallops from my mother. It tastes really perfect together. The face is also good. The portion is also sufficient. It's just that the calories in a pack are a bit high. Hey~ no way. There is no weight in the face of good food. Eat first.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 最近国产方便面界里的【白象·汤好喝】 真的口碑那是好! 白象口系列很多. 今天吃的是老母鸡汤味面. 名字叫汤好喝. 说明它的特色在汤底了. 确实.汤的口感咸淡适中. 我自己闻起来又有点中药那feel. 今天煮面还加了台湾老奶奶熬的茶叶放. 和朋友买的空心菜和老妈给的干贝. 合起来味道真的完美极了. 面也不错. 份量也足够. 就是一包的卡路里有些高呀.哎~ 没办法. 在美食的面前没有体重可言. 先吃再说.