# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Yami's Mid-Year Sale has so few Konjac jelly ORIHIRO. It's really a delicious jelly. Not only delicious. Also low card. Low card. Low card. It's easy to talk about important things. Recently they have started to mix packaging. Not bad either. This way you can try a variety of flavors. The flavors of this pack are: peach, mango and grape. All are my favorite flavors. No scissors needed. Tear the opening directly. Squeeze lightly. The pulp comes out. It's not touchy at all and it's super convenient. It doesn't spray everywhere. The pulp is also super smooth. Q bomb. Delicious enough to call for it. Check out the brand.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 亚米的年中大促怎么少的了蒟蒻果凍ORIHIRO. 真的是一款吃不腻的果冻呀. 不仅美味. 还低卡.低卡.低卡. 重要事情讲N便. 最近它们家开始混合包装了. 也不错.这样可以尝试各种口味了. 这包的口味分别是:水蜜桃.芒果和葡萄. 都是我很喜欢的口味. 不需剪刀.直接撕开开口. 轻轻挤一挤.果肉就出来了. 一点也不沾手超方便的. 不会喷的到处都是. 果肉也是超级顺滑.Q弹. 好吃到为它狂打call. 认准牌子哦.