# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Kang Ya Cool Ice Powder Original. In fact, I have never eaten ice powder.... The finished pictures in the comment section of Yami looked so delicious, so I bought it. I put it for 1 year and used it before the expiration date... The water and powder are mixed according to the instructions, and the finished product is not very hard to solidify? ? ? Then I reduced the water again and it was ok. But it doesn't taste much... It's just starch jelly. After realizing it, I found that this thing seems to be mixed with brown sugar and water, but I don't like brown sugar... It's a tragedy. ⑤
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 康雅酷 冰粉粉 原味。我其实是没吃过冰粉的....亚米的评论区那些成品图看着太好吃了,于是买了。放了1年赶在过期前用了...按照说明的量兑的水和粉,成品不太能凝固???后来我又减少了水量,还行。然而没啥味...就是淀粉冻儿,后知后觉的发现这个玩意好像是和红糖水啥的混着吃的,然而我不爱吃红糖....悲剧了。⑤