# 2022年中大促囤货指南 #Japanese Yamaji Green Fruit Puru Puru Fruit and Vegetable Konjac Drink Acerola Cherry Flavor 130g. I couldn't find the tag of this flavor, so I added the tag of the same brand of apple flavor. This is really unexpectedly delicious, the yellow cherry flavor is light, and it's not too sweet, even a little sour... it's very refreshing? The first taste of this brand did not step on the thunder! And it can be made sweet and sour, not super sweet, it's not easy, and I will repurchase this flavor! (14)
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 #日本山吉青果 Puru Puru果蔬蒟蒻饮 针叶樱桃口味130g 。没搜出来这个口味的tag,所以加了同牌子苹果味的tag。这个真的意外的好喝,黄樱桃味淡淡的,而且不甜腻,甚至有些酸……就很清爽?这个牌子试的第一个味道没有踩雷!而且能做的酸甜可口,不是超级甜,真是不容易,还会回购这个味道!(14)