# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Japanese Yamaji Green Fruit Puru Puru Fruit and Vegetable Konjac Drink Grape Taste 130g. I still strongly recommend the acerola flavor of this brand! It's the one in Figure 3! Yami is also on sale! This one is pretty good too. Anyway, it is much stronger than the Korean brand (I can't remember, the blueberry flavor is too bad, I complained before) and the Japanese Orihito. However, I feel that this is not as good as the grape-flavored cici jelly of Xizhilang in China. (20)
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 日本山吉青果 Puru Puru果蔬蒟蒻饮葡萄口味130g。我还是强推这个牌子的针叶樱桃味!就是图3那款!亚米也在卖!这款也挺好喝的,反正比韩国的那个什么牌子(我记不住了,蓝莓味的太难吃了,之前吐槽过)和日本那个Orihito强太多。不过我感觉这款不如国内喜之郎的葡萄味cici果冻。(20)