# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Xizhilang CICI Jelly Add Juice Coconut Grain Strawberry Flavor 150g. This tag is also, absolutely can be found except for the strawberry flavor. I hung up a peach flavor bar with a similar color. Dubin likes it very much. Dai Bin also likes the apple flavor. But strawberry and apple are average for me...I prefer pineapple, mango and orange...I personally wouldn't repurchase strawberry and apple. (25)
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 喜之郎 CICI 果冻爽添加果汁椰果粒 草莓味 150g。这个tag也是,绝了除了草莓味全都能搜出来。我挂了个颜色差不多的水蜜桃味吧。呆斌很喜欢。呆斌也很喜欢苹果味。不过草莓味和苹果味对我来说都比较一般...我更喜欢菠萝味、芒果味和香橙味...我个人不会回购草莓味和苹果味了。(25)