# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # As a loyal fan of Cheese Control and Want Want Senbei, when you see this new product, you must buy it. First of all, the calories are not very high, a small pack of 30 calories, that is, a single exercise will solve the problem. Relatively friendly to dieters, and secondly, it tastes like Want Want Senbei wrapped in thick cheese powder. The entrance is full of milky fragrance. I personally like it very much.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 作为芝士控和旺旺仙贝的忠实拥护者,看到这款新品,必须购入。首先热量不是很高,一小包30卡,也就是跳一个操就解决完毕了。对减肥人士相对友好,其次,它的味道就是旺旺仙贝外面裹了厚厚的芝士粉。入口就是奶香满满。我个人非常喜欢。