# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # The big promotion is sure to stock up on cold noodles! Summer without cold noodles is hot! hot! of! Let! people! Violent! dry! of! summer! Boil the water and it will be cooked quickly, wash it, add the prepared cold noodle soup, chili powder, oil bag, add some ice water and ice cubes, ha! Cool and very comfortable!
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 大促肯定要囤冷面啊!没有冷面的夏天是炎!热!的!让!人!暴!燥!的!夏天! 开水煮很快就熟,洗一洗,加入配好的冷面汤、辣椒粉、油包、再加点冰水和冰块,哈!透心凉特别舒服!