# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Repurchase 3: Weipintang Canned Yellow Peach 720g. This is the flavor of canned yellow peaches that I have recently eaten in the United States, which is connected to the Northeast supermarket in China! In fact, it is also produced in Dalian, which is the Northeast flavor! The first time I bought one, I ran out of it in a few bites. When I wanted to buy it again, I squatted for a long time. Bought 3 more cans immediately after restocking! Can you hang those tin cans in Korea and the United States, and also hang the canned yellow peach from Costco? (33)
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 回购3:味品堂 黄桃罐头 720g。这是我在美国目前吃到的最近接国内东北超市的黄桃罐头的味道的款!实际上也是大连产的就是东北味儿啊!第一次买了一个没几口就吃没了,再想买的时候oos,蹲了好久。补货后立刻又买了3罐!吊打韩国美国那些铁皮罐头也吊打Costco那个凑数的黄桃罐头好吗!(33)